James 5:14; Matthew 25:36-37; and 1 Corinthians 11:23 -33

Our goal at Fountain of Life House of Worship is to minister to the needs of members who are sick and are unable to attend regular church services. Ministers and Deacons of the church shall visit sick, shut-in and homebound members.

To inform the church of a member’s infirmed status, (see below) contact the Church office at 602-305-8600.  Requests can be made through the church website at under the Member Services tab.  One of our Elders and/or Deacon’s will be following up with you within 24 hours or immediately in case of emergencies.

Anyone needing encouragement, comfort, or a sense of belonging would profit from a visit. While that could include everyone, there are certain individuals who especially need to be reminded that they aren’t forgotten. These are people who can feel rather lonely at times.

  • elderly people still living independently especially if they are shut-ins
  • elderly or disabled people living in nursing homes
  • people who are sick for a prolonged period of time
  • people who are hospitalized
  • bereaved people
  • prisoners
  • people in shelters
  • people in crisis
  • anyone who needs communion administered

    Infirmed Status or Prayer Request

    Call before visitation or prayer?

    Announcement: Souvenir Book Ads, 20th Year Church Celebration 2024

    Announcement: Souvenir Book Ads, 20th Year Church Celebration 2024

    The 20th Year celebration committee will be receiving all ads for the souvenir book this coming Sunday, in the lobby. You can find the Souvenir Book Advertisement form in the church office or welcome center in the lobby, or you may go online to the website Fountain of Life House of Worship | FOLHOW  and download the form. Also, you can sign up by ministry, individually, families, or business/companies to take photos on the 3rd and 4th Sundays after the 10:00am service, (July, August and September) for the next three months, and schedule with our photographer Deacon John Carroll, he will set up your photo shoot first come first serve.

    The last day and deadline to submit your ad, October 4th, 2024

    The souvenir book subcommittee will be in the lobby each Sunday until the deadline. If you have any additional questions regarding the souvenir book ads, please contact: Elder Gregory Coleman, via e-mail or call 602 566-2414.

    Also see the attachment the new updated souvenir ad form.

    More Info